Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hello all~! Sorry it has been so long since I have been around. I think I have some the best bloggy friends ever. Thanks to all of you who have left kind words wodering where I have been. I finally logged on tonight and saw that I have had 11,917 hits on my blog. What the heck? I could not believe it! I figured I better start nurishing this blog before it dries up and all my followers leave. I am truly amazed that I have had that many hits. And I have to admit, I really missed seeing the locations on my feed, to see where folks are from and looking at my little old blog. What have I been doing? The sad truth, is nothing! I work, come home, and get on Facebook. Not much else at all. I think I had better get a life, so I can write about it. ha,ha! Promise to post again very soon!