Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winter Blues

Winter is really a four letter word! Winter = yuck, crap, hell, sh!t, mess, argh......well you get the drift. I am so darn tired. Tired of snow, tired of being in the house, tired of the cold and mostly tired of gray skies!I am getting so impatient with old man winter during these last weeks of winter. Of course the 12 inches plus of snow this past week has not helped the situation. I am hoping now that I have written these thoughts "on paper", so to speak, that maybe I will feel better. If not, there is always that beer that has been calling my name. I also have a great recipe for wedding cake martinis. Wedding cake and martinis, now that is a happy thought! AND I did find some really good steals, I mean deals, at the Base Exchange today. AND I got my hair done. I think if I just focus on the good things in life, I will be better. Now, if I can just focus.......


life in the mom lane said...

Last snowstorm which dropped 18 inches on us, my daughter and I turned it into margarita Wed. and gave in to being snowed in :)

Another couple of things to look forward to: massages, pedicures, manicures... :)

Debra said...

Margarita Wed., I love how you think! Hubby and I had wedding cake martini's last Saturday night! Chased the blues away for sure. ;0)

Alexis AKA MOM said...

LOVE deals!! Glad you got your hair done it's so cute in all the pics :)

weather has been a heck of a whirl wind this year! Hope you're defrosted now :)