Monday, April 13, 2009

Widget Love

I love my widgets! The first one is my leg lamp. First of all, it turns off and on. How cool is that? A side note, I made a leg lamp once for someone who was leaving the B-2 office where I worked. I am working on hunting down a picture of it, so a seperate blog on that later. ;-)

The counter. Okay, mine is nothing fancy but it is really cool so see how many hits I have had. Since implementing it, I have had over 1920 hits! maybe 920 of them are mine from going back and forth, but even a 1000 hits since December 25th just blows my mind! I am still shocked that anyone would read what I have to say. I am not so great at writing but love the social aspect of blogging. So to all of you wonderful peeps who have helped to get me this far, THANK YOU!

Last but not least, the Live Traffic Feed totally rocks! Just today, I had someone from Perth, Western Australia! I've had someone from Moscow, Russia and other countries I have not ever even heard of. I highly recommend this to all of you because it is so neat to see where folks who are reading you are from since there are so many lurkers. No complaints, I love my lurkers! And I love to see where they are lurking from. ;-) I have had so many different states and countries, my heart always flutters when I see a new one.

Do you have a favorite widget? Widget recommendations? Like shoes and purses, a girl can never have enough widgets!


jmt said...

I do find the feeds about who is reading from where very interesting. I have gained some local ones recently and am dying to know if some of my family found my blog. LOL

Unknown said...

I love widgets too but don't really have too many...and how cool is it when someone from another country gets on our lil old blogs and actually (well maybe) reads them.

Chef E said...

teach me how to add them? I tried to get one once and it never answered me back, yep, I talk to my computer, no you send a I gave therapist told me that once, that I give up too easily for such a high IQ, lol

Dawn Parsons Smith said...


It has been a crazy time! I am loving widgets too lately! LOVE the leg lamp widget. I almost put a leg lamp nightlight in the giveaway! lol!

It always amazes me how many people around the world are bloggers!

TechnoGangsta....hee hee hee!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

You are hilarious! Email your address and I will send it to you! Seriously:)! (my email address is

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Very cool widgets. I love the leg lamp. My whole family is a big fan of The Christmas Story. I like to turn it off and on. LOL

Paula & Skip said...

Hi Had to stop by again and have another read. I love widgets too, however the best is certainly the fees who is reading and from where. Like you we strated blogging just a few moneths ago and it amazes me to see who is stopping by and even bothers to read our little story - particularly in my funny german-english :-) Paula xx

Unknown said...

I had a fan in Turkey who I sacred off by mentioning in a blog. The person would actually search by typing in Janana Bee. I find those site meters fascinating- obviously. Although I feel guilty having all the information sometimes!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

1st off did you find that picture, love Christmas Story and the Leg Lamp bring it on girlie!

2nd off I love the one at the bottom of my post recommending other post I've done helps the traffic on my site :)

Congrats on all the hits!